Saturday 14 February 2015

Love, Tanya

 Its been sooo long since I updated this account! I have just been living life because I have a life that I am happy to live. This post was meant to be a new years resolutions #2 but its February so it is a little late to post that but I will try to finish that 'series' later.
Love, Tanya 
As a little treat to myself I decided to buy one of my favourite youtubers books, Love, Tanya. I couldn't wait for it to arrive in the post and I would run up to the door whenever the post came and squeal like a little girl.
Love, Tanya has everything a teenage girl would need to survive; makeup tips, fashion, love and general life its self! I have thoroughly enjoyed sitting down on a evening with a warm fuzzy blanket and flicking through the pages, of course I then have to try everything out myself! If you are in need of a pick me up or a bunch of tips then this is the book for you. I am so proud of Tanya as I have been there for her, ever since she started her YouTube channel I have been a huge supporter! I do not know Tanya personally, but sometimes I feel that I do and this book, I believe, represents Tanya in all the best ways!
 Grace Winters


Saturday 3 January 2015

New Years Resolution #1


 So recently I put a post up about the New Years Resolutions I have set myself this year and I instantly knew I was going to explain them because I couldn't help myself.  
'This year is the year that I am going to change myself and make myself a better person' I told myself exactly 1 year ago sitting on the same bed. Last year I decided to create a new me, to be that friend in school that every one loves and wants to hang out with and can tell their deadliest secrets too. I quickly gave up at this as I have zero patience and I decided to wait until this year (2015), it feels so weird to write 2015 doesn't it?
This year I have already shown myself that if I want to do something I can and will. That is to create a blog, a place where I can be true to myself and not have to appear a certain way.
All my life I have been dishonest with myself, I have always cared about what other people see me as and how they see me. This year I am going to branch out and do what I want to do. I am going to be the real Grace Winters* not the fake one who wears makeup to impress and only shaves their legs for other people.
I am in secondary school and all my school career I have been on the look out for the perfect group of friends. I then realised that I was never going to find those people. It took me a very long time but I now have a group of friends who are as crazy as me and for the first time in a really long time I feel as if I belong with them.
We send Instagram messages to each other at 1 in the morning saying 'I just went to the toilet' and then end up revealing our crushes and first kisses. These are the people who don't care what I wear or what I say and I love them for that.   
 I want you guys (who ever you might be) to not care about other peoples feelings towards you, this is going to be the year of change.
Don't feel as if you need to be someone else or some one your not, be yourself and if they don't like you for who you are then its their lose, not yours.
   Grace Winters

Thursday 1 January 2015

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!! 
We all make new years resolutions don't we, I mean who doesn't. At the end of every year we go back through the year and try to make ourselves better people.  
Most of the time we decide we need to be healthier and cut down on the sweets or chocolate or do more exercise to get in shape for the summer, but I think we only make these new years resolutions to fit in with other people and to look like the girls/boys in the magazines that they parade around with bold titles saying 'this is YOU in 30 days of our latest diet' We aspire to be these thin models with great hair because it is the only thing shown to you in the magazines and TV. You very rarely see a girl of boy who is above a size 12 in the magazines and is generally happy with their body. We want to shape our lives to fit other peoples expectations. 
I have decided that this year I am not going to do that, I am going to shape my life to fit my expectations and standards.  
I believe it is more realistic to only make 3 new years resolutions as it is much easier to stick to them. I read that in girl online
But I have 4 resolutions because I established that I don't take my own advise. :) 
My resolutions are:
To not care so much about what other people think of me.
To do more daring things and to try new things more often.
To love myself and to be happy with the way I am.
To find what truly makes me happy.
 I will explain these in more detail in the next blog post as this one is getting quite long and boring now.
 I am thinking up a quote to put at the end of my blog posts now so any ideas would be most appreciated. :)
 Grace Winters


Saturday 27 December 2014

Hi! Welcome to my blog.


I've been wanting to start a blog since I was about 9 years old because that is when I first found out about Zoe Sugg, she has always been my inspiration ever since I got my first small netbook and started reading her beautiful blog posts. She recently published a book called girl online which I received for Christmas this year. This book made me realise that if I wanted to make a blog there should be nothing to stop me.   
I have always been too scared to write anything online because of what people will say about me and my personality. That is why I have created a fake name and I will create fake names for anyone mentioned in this blog, because Grace Winters can be the voice who says all the stuff I feel I can't say in real life because society says it isn't okay to feel that way. I want you to be honest as well, you can create fake names or call yourself fluffy marshmallow even, and you can tell me your story as I tell you mine.
I don't know how often I will post on here but I will try to post every couple days at least once a week.  
This post is extremely boring but I am not sorry for that as this is something I want to share with you guys before we start properly.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! 
 Grace Winters